Small Batch

Craft Meats

one90 Smoked Meats

Beef Tenderloin Half (2-2.25 lbs)

Sale price Price $130.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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Smoked Beef Tenderloin! The TOP DAWG when it comes to tender lean beef! Seasoned with salt and pepper, and donning a perfect smoke-ring that slightly contrasts the red/pink center, the One90 Smoked Beef Tenderloin will impress the finest of pallets. Slice it thin and serve chilled as a fantastic charcuterie item, or heat and eat at the thickness you prefer. When you receive it from us, it will be perfectly cooked and ready to eat! ADD BACON WRAP....and we'll suit it with a custom house-cured and smoked bacon jacket prior to netting and smoking!!! Yum!!!