Small Batch

Craft Meats


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DALLAS – Most restaurants begin as a small thought and then develop into something big — just ask Herman Guerra. He and his partner, Kyle St. Clair, go way back.

“We went Bryan Adams, just down the street,” Guerra told NewsFix. “After we graduated college, we kind of all went our own ways. I went to UT Austin, Kyle went on to get a business degree, law degree. Sometime then, while we were gone and getting our education, Kyle picked up smoking meat; he picked up cooking.”

And he did so in his backyard.

“It made our wives nuts,” Guerra said. “From the back window, seeing two guys standing out by the smoker drinking a beer, it looks like we`re doing probably nothing, right?”

Wrong. What was brewing in the backyard turned into a business – One90 Smoked Meats in Dallas.

And they’re dishing out everything, starting with brisket.

“If someone comes to our shop that has not been to our shop, first and foremost- brisket,” Guerra said. “It’s our pride and joy.”

Then there’s the Reuben, and the ‘D’LT, made with smoked duck breast.

“We start with the magret breast, it’s a very large breast, and we brine it for about a day, two days,” Guerra told NewsFix. “And we’re loading it about five ounces on top of a rustic toast.”

Chew on This: One90 smoked meats not only serves meats on a plate, they sell them vacuum sealed and pre-packaged for you to grub on at a later date.

Who said you can’t bring brisket to the holiday meal?!

‘Tis the season for good eats, and good meats!

To read the original article, click here.

Explore Some of our Favorite Recipes!

  • BEEF
  • PORK
  • Serving quality smoked meats that are customizable, convenient, and widely accessible is our aim. Our Texas BBQ can be used in a wide variety of meals, heated up and prepared in minutes, and can be purchased online and delivered directly to your door, NATIONWIDE.